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How to recover a deactivated account

How can I recover my account after it has been deactivated?

Should you happen to forget to extend your contract, there is a grace period in which you can simply extend your contract to continue using your account. The way it works is this:
If the term of your contract is over, it will be deactivated but kept alive on our systems for another 30 days. If a payment is made within that time period, then the account will be reactivated automatically.

However, the timing is critical. If you do not extend the contract of you account within the 30 days grace period, it will be deleted permanently, which includes all related information and data. In this case, making another payment will not reinstate the account. Note that for security reasons, the e-mail address that was associated with the account will be put on a blocking lists for an extended period to prevent immediate re-registration.