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WebDav for macOS

Even on macOS, can be integrated via WebDAV.

Accessing Drive with WebDAV via Finder

  1. In the Finder menu on your Mac, select Go | Connect to Server.
  2. Enter the following server address:
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Enter your login details: Select the option Registered User, and provide your primary email address associated with as the Username, along with your corresponding Password. If desired, check the option Remember password in keychain so your Mac saves the credentials for future connections.
  5. Upon successful connection, a Finder window will open, displaying the folder structure of the WebDAV server. This connection will also appear in the Finder sidebar under Locations, allowing you to access it at any time.

Automatically Reconnect at System Startup

If you want to automatically reconnect to your Drive at every system startup, you can add it to your login items in macOS settings.

  1. Open System Settings | General | Login Items & Extensions.
  2. Add the active WebDAV connection to the "Open at Login" list by dragging and dropping the folder of your Drive from the Finder window into this list.
  3. Your connection will now automatically be re-established whenever you restart the system.

General WebDAV Credentials

  • Server:
  • Type: Secure WebDAV (HTTPS)
  • Folder: /servlet/webdav.infostore
  • Username: Your primary email address associated with
  • Password: Your password

Special Cases in WebDAV URL Formatting

Academic Titles

If you have an academic title (e.g., Dr. Maxima Mustermann) stored in your personal contact details (Contacts | My contact details), you may need to include it in the WebDAV URL for synchronization to work. This is required, for instance, with Joplin.


A valid WebDAV URL for Dr. Maxima Mustermann would be:

Note: %20 replaces the space, as spaces are not allowed in URLs.

Special Characters and Diacritical Marks

If your name contains special characters (ä, ü, ö, ß) or diacritical marks (ł), please refer to the following table for conversion:


A correct WebDAV URL for Bartłomiej Mustermann would look like this:łomiej%20Mustermann/