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What is an alias and how do I use it

You can set up additional e-mail addresses – so-called alias addresses – on the settings page of the web interface. In the settings, select, and then E-Mail Aliases to enter your additional addresses.

Depending on the package, it is possible to specify up to 25 e-mail aliases per account.
All e-mails addressed to these additional addresses are delivered to your inbox. With a single account, it is so also possible to use aliases to specify different sender addresses. Any replies or new e-mails directed to these addresses are then going to get delivered to the same inbox.

Questions and Answers

Can I use plus-aliases in the format

  • Yes, this “Plus” extension also works with addresses. These addresses do not count towards your alias limit because they are generated dynamically. Note that if you would like to archive e-mails automatically into a folder, this folder must have been created beforehand.

How can I choose which alias to use as a sender address?

  • When you compose a new e-mail using the web interface, you can see a drop-down menu in the lower left-hand-side of the page. Simply select an alias from this menu before sending.
  • In external e-mail clients, an alias can usually be defined as an “identity”.

What happens if an alias gets deleted?

  • For security reasons, we will block registration for some time (1-3 months) after an alias has been deleted. This is to ensure that the alias cannot be hijacked by third parties shortly after the previous owner stopped using it.

May I use aliases that contain external domain names, such as

  • Receiving e-mails to these kinds of alias addresses through is technically not possible. However, you may configure the automatic download of messages via POP3 with your external e-mail provider. You could then also use the address as an "alternative sender" in to send messages with the alias identity.

Can I migrate an existing alias into a dedicated mailbox?

  • No, unfortunately not. If you have an existing alias, for instance for your partner or your children, and then decide later that they should have their own inbox - the only thing you can do is to delete the alias and then try to register a new account using the previous alias address, as soon as this becomes available again.