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My drive seems to be full - what to do?

Note: The features mentioned in this article are available in all packages except the Light package.

What can I do, when my Drive runs out of capacity?

You can easily add storage to your Drive. Please choose Settings , then and then Contract and Fees:

Please click on the + - Symbol next to Cloud to add storage space to your account. When you have reached the amount you want, then please click on Save changes.

Also you can check, how your storage is used, so that you can decide, whether you want to delete some data. Please have in mind to make a local backup first.

Try these steps:

  • empty the trash in drive

  • delete unneeded files in drive

  • delete unneeded file versions in drive

  • delete attachments in old calendar entries and tasks

  • delete unneded attachments from contacts

  • exchange pictures in contacts with smaller ones with lower resolution

  • for team/family accounts: find out, whether other members use big parts of storage space and ask them to check this article as well.

Specialties of family/team accounts

All team/family members will share the cumulated storage space. That means, that all drive storage capacities given by a members plan will get added to a shared storage pool.

Two kinds of storage

At, we offer two kinds of storage:

  • e-mails and their attachments will use "mail storage"
  • all other data go into "office storage"

Note: To check how much disk space is available to you and how much of it is already being used by your data, you can either activate "Disk Space" widget in the "Portal" tab or check the "E-mail" or "Drive" tab in the left sidebar.

The office storage

The following data can use storage space in your drive:

  • files in the drive

  • files in the trash folder

  • older versions of files

    • choose a file in your drive

    • be sure, that "File details" is activated in "View"

    • In the right sidebar you can now expand a list of previous versions of this file and open, download or delete individual entries there.

  • Pictures and attachments in contacts

  • Attachments in the calendars

  • Attachments at tasks